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Administrative Council
The Church Council shall provide for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources in the local church. It shall also provide for the administration of its organization and temporal life. It shall envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the church. The Church Council operates under the oversight of the Charge Conference. (para. 252.1, The Book of Discipline 2016)
There should be a leadership development and resourcing ministry of the Church Council that gives attention to the ongoing preparation and development of lay and clergy leaders for the ministry of the church. This task has often been overseen by the Staff Parish Relations Committee in many churches.
The nurture, outreach, and witness ministries and their accompanying responsibilities shall include consideration of the election of a prayer coordinator to promote prayer and mobilize the local church to pray, establish a prayer room or designated place for prayer and prayer resources, and encourage intentional prayer for the pastoral leadership of the local church.
In order for the council to give adequate consideration to the missional purpose of the local church, it is recommended that the first agenda item at each meeting be related to its ministries of nurture, outreach, and witness. The administrative and supportive responsibilities of the church will then be given attention. It is recommended that the council use a consensus/discernment model of decision-making.
Other responsibilities of the Church Council include: Review membership of the local church; fill interim vacancies among lay officers; establish a budget upon recommendation of the Committee on Finance; recommend all staff salaries to the Charge Conference after receiving recommendations from the Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC); Review the recommendation of the SPRC regarding adequate housing for the pastor and report this to the Charge Conference.
The members present and voting at any duly announced meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Andy Hudson-Chair
Mike Anderson-Vice Chair
Suzie Shell-Secretary
Pastor Pat Allin
Ann Berner, Lay Leader
Denise Peers, Church Treasurer
Brenda Shearl
Jim Shearl
Greg Niewold
Austin Curtis
Cara Fitton
Mike Pitman
Bob Curry
LaVonne Smithe
Ellie White
Sean Hudson
Anna Layng
Alex Swanson
William Hauck
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